Suggestions for Arcade Wizzkid
Arcade Wizzkid Homepage


Here you will find a list of common questions about us and the applications we make. Click on the questions below to see the full information.

If you still require help then please fill out the form on our Support Page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


When I install the application I see an error message that the content is 'not trusted'.


Our applications are digitally signed by a security certificate. However some handsets may not be preloaded with the correct security "Root certificate" to allow our content to be trusted by the handset. This could also be caused if the security "Root Certificate" date has "expired".


Contact your support helpdesk to download/receive the latest Thawte Root certificate on the handset (outside of scope of this FAQ as this is a carrier/device issue outside of Arcade Wizz Kid's control).

When using the features such as "Global Top 10" or "Check World Ranking" I see a flashing error message saying "NO NETWORK" on the screen


The handset is not configured for internet connection, or you do not have enough signal strength to connect to the carrier network.


Wait until you have enough signal strength to make a connection and try again. If the problem persists then you may need to contact your Carrier/Handset support to have the device enabled for Internet connectivity (also known as GPRS or 3G connectivity).

The icons or graphics of the Application do not fit on the device screen or do not display correctly


The handset screen size is not compatible with the Application.


Arcade Wizz Kid has tried its best to test their applications on as many handsets as possible, but with so many handsets on the market there are occasions where unforseen issues will occur. If you have problems like this please contact Arcade Wizz Kid support using the Support Page or email us at with the handset model number and screen size if known - we will update the content on the online store to support the required screen resolution for the particular handset as there are a number of "application builds" optimised for specific screen sizes. After Arcade Wizz Kid publishes the build for the specific handset on the online store, you will be notified that you can then re-install the Application.

When I run the application I get an error message saying "Out Of Memory"


The phone doesn�t have enough memory to run the Application.


Mobile games and applications can be quite resource intensive and sometimes run out of memory on your handset. There is no easy fix for this problem other then to try to reboot your phone and try to run the application again. If the problem persists your only option is to upgrade your handset to a newer/more powerful model with more memory or request a full refund through your application store.

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Copyright � Arcade Wizz Kid Pty Ltd 2024 (ACN 143 270 106)